For the Love of it!

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For the Love of it!

There are some things you do in life because you are obligated, it seemed like a good idea at a certain stage in life and/or it was just because life happened and it was required.  Then there are other things that you do because you love it.  It may be an activity that is relaxing, healing and rejuvenating to your mind, body and spirit.  At age 59 ½, that’s what I want to be doing a lot of the time in my life moving forward.  That things that hits my mind, body and spirit and I love it!  That’s the place that writing has taken over in my life.  Writing is relaxing, healing and rejuvenating to my mind and spirit.  I enjoy it to say the least.  Good thing because I write a lot.  This is February!  I realize that we celebrate Black History this month and Valentine’s Day but I want you to celebrate you and do something that you love. 

I am so proud to announce that on February 4, BK Royston Publishing is officially 15 years old.  I have had some wonderful experiences, met some incredible people, published some phenomenal books, cried, been frustrated but with the help of an amazing God, husband, family, friends, team and coaches made it in business for 15 years.  I am only saddened that my dad is not alive to see it but it patterned, modeled and trained me for entrepreneurship whether he knew it or not.  I celebrate every client, customer who has purchased a book and every call and/or inquiry whether you signed the contract or not.  I thank you. 

We will celebrating in some way or not all year long.  Look for more information and opportunities to celebrate with us in the upcoming months.  I will spend February 4th like I have for the past 4 ½ years and attend the ‘I’ll Make Me a World’ event in Des Moines, IA.  What’s in Des Moines?  We’ll find out on Saturday. 

 Blessings to you all and if you’re ready to write, publish and promote with BK Royston Publishing, schedule a conversation at  Let’s go for 15 more years of Books and Business. 

