Motivation for keep moving….

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Motivation for keep moving….

The book publishing industry gives no guarantees that your book will be the next major success. Sometimes hearing a success story of someone who has achieved success in spite of rejection, financial hardships and having an unknown name will be motivation for you. View the story of one young woman’s rise to astounding eBook success in the romance, fantasy genre. Let this story be an encouragement, fuel to keep moving and motivation to reach the top. Enjoy!


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Partner with a Purpose…

In today’s tight economy, one good thing that has resulted is the need to work together and collaborate. I am as independent as the next lone ranger but, going solo can be hard and counterproductive in all industry categories. The publishing industry is no different. You will need others to produce, publish, promote and purchase your books. Having a great team to produce a great book is only half of the battle. The other major feat will be getting the word out about your book. Partner with a purpose. Find people, organizations and events that would benefit from your book but, that you can also be a promoter of their cause. Partnership that is only one sided is called taking advantage and/or being a user. Find and maintain healthy relationships that will be mutually beneficial. Partner with a Purpose today.

On Sunday, February 6th, the BK Royston Publishing Co. authors participated in the National African American Read In spotlighting local authors and their books in the Louisville, KY/Southern Indiana area. Find more events such as this and your book will have far reaching effects…

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Are You Serious? Prove It

The word serious is defined as “that which is of importance, requiring effort or not trifling”. Brownstone, a 90’s girl group, sang a song titled, “if you love me” which hit the top of the charts. In addition to the song having a nice beat and wonderful vocals, the lyrics resonated with single women everywhere. The chorus states, if you love me say it, if you trust me do it, if you want me show it and if you need me prove it. The young woman in the song is trying to determine if the young man is serious about her and their relationship. Love is an action word and if you really mean what you say, then do something about it. Show me that you are serious. How serious are you about writing your book? Have you written anything lately? What are you waiting on? It’s winter and while you are snowed in, get your notebooks back out or turn on your computer and start writing. If your manuscript is finished, are you serious enough to obtain the services of a writing coach to guide you through the process? Are you serious enough to pay for an editor? Are you serious enough to budget for the graphic designer and the printing of your book? Will that book still be in a drawer, on a jump drive or on your hard drive next year? If you are serious, do it. If you are serious, show everyone. If you are serious, prove it. The staff of BK Royston Publishing can guide you through the process of seeing your book published. If you are serious, contact us today.

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Julia Royston & For the Kingdom Ministries 2010 in Review

2010 Pictorial Review of BK Royston Publishing and Julia Royston book signing travels. Enjoy!

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Seasons Greetings!

Greetings to you all,

On behalf of the entire staff of BK Royston Publishing, we wish you a Joyous Holiday Season and a very Prosperous New Year! We look forward to serving you in the year of 2011 with more inspirational book titles. When purchasing gifts for Christmas consider, “A New Season in Word: Inspirations for Divine Living”, “How Hot is Your Love Life: Return to Your First Love” and our latest title, “Everyday Miracles”.

Remember in 2011, the Best is Yet to Come!