Category Archives: Uncategorized

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Preparation for What’s Next?

Being prepared can happen in a number of ways.  Some people would argue that some things you are never prepared for like death, tragedy or situations beyond your control that feel like it is going to ruin your whole life.  But from a person that has ‘control issues’ I like to be as prepared as possible.  Preparation for me comes from the past, present and the unknown future.  I rely on the past to prepare me for what’s happening now.  I rely on the present to warn me that if I stay in this same situation, I could have a not so fun future.  My unknown future helps me to align, plan and pray harder than I have ever prayed before.  Finally, preparation happens along the way, in the moment, tried in the fire of the situation to actually see what you’re made of.  It’s no fun but when you come out, you will have an experience that you will never, ever forget.  Whether it turned out wonderful and everything worked out or every thing blew up in your face and nothing turned out right. I can truthfully say that no matter what I post on social media, I have had more of those ‘nothing turned out right’ experiences than I want to say.  Did it make me quit?  I wanted to but I kept going because God was settling me up to have something to say or a story to tell that would help someone else in a group or one on one to make sure that they didn’t quit either.   I know you’re thinking, why prepare for what’s next because you’re never fully prepared or it’ll be horrible right?  Nope.  What if you actually win?  Sell out, have more clients than you ever imagined, get the promotion, they actually agree to the contract or you get the grant of your life!!  Would preparation be worth it?  You better believe it.  

Join me on Saturday, June 10th at 11:00 a.m. EST for the BK Royston Publishing Virtual Summit.  Register at  Don’t miss out because you really do want to prepare for what’s next!  Let’s go!



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What will May Bring?

The saying is “April Showers Bring May Flowers!”  But what will May bring this year?  There are the celebrations of May.  In Louisville, Kentucky everything the first week centers around Horse Racing and the income opportunities that it will bring.  Then there is Mother’s Days which is wonderful for us who still have our mothers with us but it is bittersweet for others who don’t have their mother’s physical presence.  Then there are graduations, Memorial Day, backyard barbecues and summer is in full swing.  As a business owner, May is the middle of the second business quarter.  What have I done this year, what did I get done in April and what do I still have to get done the rest of the quarter and year?  I’m not quite at the middle of the year but we’ve done a lot in the year already.  What is pressing?  What is absolutely necessary?  What can I celebrate with others that will inspire, motivate and put that spark in their life to move forward with their goals and dreams? 

1. Be intentional.  Make every moment count for you.  Don’t compare yourself to others.  What you may or may not do is left up to you and God. 

2. Love and care for yourself without restraint.  For me, this is hard because I have been called to serve others and often, put myself last.  Working hard to take better care of and love me.  I realize and maybe I’m not the only one but I have to take care of me so that the best ME can show up again. 

3. Pray about everything.  I used to read that scripture, “Pray without ceasing,” and think I’ve got work to do, I can’t just pray all day long.  But the older I get, the more I pray so that I don’t waste time, energy or effort heading in the wrong direction and doing a good thing but not a GOD thing. 

What will May bring?  I pray that you live the abundant life that HE died for you to have and receive overflow into your life that will require help to bring in the harvest from heaven.  Let’s go!



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Welcome Awesome April

When I think of April, the saying, “April Showers Brings May Flowers” but I am not good with plants or gifted with plants or probably shouldn’t even touch plants, if I were honest.  Lol.  But what I am gifted to do, I am going to do with all of my might.  April is the beginning of the second quarter of the year.  The first quarter is gone!  Wow!  What did you get done in the first quarter or what do you need to complete in the second quarter?  That is a question for you and only you to answer but whatever you do, make it awesome!  Give it your best efforts and be all into the process.  I am learning as I get older to make sure that I am able to give my all and full attention to each assignment, project or endeavor.  I CAN do a lot but what should I be doing right now and in this season, right here?  So I guess the best question is what should I or should I not give myself all to right now?  I have recently had multiple opportunities presented but I had to determine what I could reasonably handle right now.  If I tried them all, something would surely be forgotten, lost or would fail miserably.  That’s just not me.  I am going to make April Awesome by making sure that what I do in April I can handle and what I can handle, I’ll do in May, June or 2024 and beyond.  

If you need help, let’s have a conversation about it and schedule a time at  I’ll be on the road this month but if you schedule the time, I’ll be there on the line.  Let’s go!


Book Business Boss

P. S. Look out for me in these cities and upcoming events!

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Mindful March

With anything you’re building whether it is a family, business, career and/or life, you should always look at the core values, foundational and infrastructural standards that the entity, organization or relationship is built.  There may be as many backgrounds, upbringing and style of living as there are people but if we share the same core values, headed in the same direction and have the same goals, we’ll get there and be a success at it. 

January is the beginning of the year so we start off with a blank new sheet of paper.  Most of the time January is a time to reflect, be prayerful and just regroup from the previous year.  February, of late, has been filled with celebrations, historical information and acknowledgement of those that have preceded us.  March has traditionally been tagged as madness but I’m older and don’t want madness in my life.  I love and pursue peace with all I have in me.  So I am calling this “Mindful March” or “Move with Care March.”   Be mindful or consider your next moves.  The first quarter really does set the tone for the rest of the year.  There is ¾ or more of the year still left so much can go on, occur and be accomplished but right now, think before you act.  As you all know, I’m a planning by nature but I want my plans, provisions and energy to be profitable and purposeful.  I haven’t forgotten that March is Women’s History Month but I’m a woman 365 days of the year.  I am thankful for those that have paved the way and been a mentor in my life but what am I going to do with the opportunities, options and opinions for my life?  How will I impact the world as well as my world for the generations that will come after me?  I was raised to put more emphasis or be mindful what I shouldn’t do but now it is more about being mindful of what I should and could be doing with the life God has afforded me to live.  A lot to think about and consider so be “Mindful this March” and days to come.  Let’s go!



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For the Love of it!

There are some things you do in life because you are obligated, it seemed like a good idea at a certain stage in life and/or it was just because life happened and it was required.  Then there are other things that you do because you love it.  It may be an activity that is relaxing, healing and rejuvenating to your mind, body and spirit.  At age 59 ½, that’s what I want to be doing a lot of the time in my life moving forward.  That things that hits my mind, body and spirit and I love it!  That’s the place that writing has taken over in my life.  Writing is relaxing, healing and rejuvenating to my mind and spirit.  I enjoy it to say the least.  Good thing because I write a lot.  This is February!  I realize that we celebrate Black History this month and Valentine’s Day but I want you to celebrate you and do something that you love. 

I am so proud to announce that on February 4, BK Royston Publishing is officially 15 years old.  I have had some wonderful experiences, met some incredible people, published some phenomenal books, cried, been frustrated but with the help of an amazing God, husband, family, friends, team and coaches made it in business for 15 years.  I am only saddened that my dad is not alive to see it but it patterned, modeled and trained me for entrepreneurship whether he knew it or not.  I celebrate every client, customer who has purchased a book and every call and/or inquiry whether you signed the contract or not.  I thank you. 

We will celebrating in some way or not all year long.  Look for more information and opportunities to celebrate with us in the upcoming months.  I will spend February 4th like I have for the past 4 ½ years and attend the ‘I’ll Make Me a World’ event in Des Moines, IA.  What’s in Des Moines?  We’ll find out on Saturday. 

 Blessings to you all and if you’re ready to write, publish and promote with BK Royston Publishing, schedule a conversation at  Let’s go for 15 more years of Books and Business. 

