Ebooks for Business

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Ebooks for Business

Ebooks for Business

About five years ago, my business best friend suggested that I write a book specifically related to my business.  I didn’t want to because I was fearful of giving away too many trade secrets or information that people wouldn’t do business with me.  I was wrong.  The business books that I produced related to writing, publishing and promoting your book actually helped my business grow and expand.  Why?  Those books contained the basic information that people asked me repeatedly in the first eight years of business.  I now have that same information in a paperback and eBook form for people to purchase and get their questions answered.  There will always be questions of clients that are not in the book but why not have the questions that you know will be asked, answered. 

Thus, I have an additional product to sell.  I also have a product that can accompany and be the foundational material for my live events, workshops and conferences on the exact same topic.  I don’t have to create new content on this subject because it already exists.  I can also repurpose the content in a variety of ways including blog or social media posts, signature speeches and presentations. 

If you have a business, I suggest that you have an eBook related to your business.  I love to write and write in multiple genres including fiction and non-fiction but the books related to my business specifically are key to the growth, expansion, knowledge base and profitability of my business.  Do you have a book that accompanies your business?  You should and I can help.