Monthly Archives: December 2016

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Write. Publish. Promote Your Life!

Write. Publish. Promote. Your Abundant Life!


When you see the title of this post, I know that the first thing that you think of from me is books.  You are partly correct because my life is now consumed with helping others and helping myself to write, publish and promote books.  As I thought more and looked closer at these three words, I realized that it doesn’t have to be a book that you are writing but your life.  It doesn’t have to be an eBook that you are publishing but your purpose.  It doesn’t have to be a class, course, book or conference that you are promoting but you.  You are the author of your life.  You are the publisher, creative director and publicist of your purpose.  You control what activities you participate in, people you participate with and allow to enter into your personal space to either help or hinder you from fulfilling your purpose.  You are your own best promoter.  Ultimately, whether you’re an author, artist, teacher, preacher or homemaker, people still want to connect with you.  So what do you want to promote about you?  Your social media friends want to know, your largest search engines want to find out, retain and display the information every time someone puts your name in the search field.  What will they find?  What will you allow them to see?  What will you write about today and publish tomorrow and promote for the next year? 

The world is your library.  Your Life and Your book can be on any shelf.  You are holding the pen.  Use it wisely.  Write, Publish and Promote your story, your life, your way. 

If you are ready to write your book, reach out to us at

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